Little Bit of Everything
Friday, Jan. 14, 2011 - 10:37 AM

Feeling super bummed these days.

Wow I haven't updated since before Christmas. Lots has changed.

Pretty Boy is a douchebag (ha! big surprise). Not as bad as it sounds actually, I just lost a bit of respect for the guy. He's still a kid. I'm over it.

Stupid One broke up with his girlfriend "because of me". Not "for me" but "because of me". Big difference is now he doesn't know what the hell he wants. I'm kind of in the dark on that one, he's talking to me but not talking to me. I'm trying to keep a bridge between us for the time being because I'm not entirely sure of what I want either. And I sure as hell don't trust him as far as I can throw him-- oh and I've learned to communicate that!

Back in classes, hating classes, thinking they're pointless. Not showing up, just barely doing the work. Who cares? Why am I getting this degree anyway.. I really should have gone for my Masters.

Looking for a foot in the door in the Montreal school board. Not getting very far. Those people don't answer their emails.

Taking up shopping as a hobby. Isn't that terrible? I don't care. I need something to keep me sane, and drinking not only blows money but amasses calories so I think my cash is better spent on pretty things as well as things I need and just never got around to buying.

Shit hit the fan all over the world the last few weeks. Floods, fires, shootings. My god do I really have to change my RSVP to the facebook event for 2013 to "Maybe"? Seriously.

yesterday - tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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