Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010 - 8:42 PM

Well now I really do feel like I'm growing up to be an old fart..

Halloween at University of Western Ontario (supposedly its a party school.. yeah ok), I'm not really into it. I've done Halloween. I had 4 nights of Halloween last year.. and the years before have been partied up as well. I'm not super into it this year, not at all. So I am staying in, watching the Habs play, and just chilling out.

Its been a long month. A long two months actually. I'm exhausted, mentally and physically. Yeah I don't feel very party-hardy-rock-and-roll these days. And even if I did, I'm way too poor to go out and blow money on booze, like I always manage to do.

Nothing wrong with getting shmammed and acting like an idiot sometimes, but I guess I'm over doing it every weekend. Or even every other weekend.

Oooh well..

yesterday - tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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