My Calling is Calling
Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014 - 5:39 PM

Sitting on my couch after two days spent at the office. Back to work after the holidays has been.. chill. It was interesting, however, to realize that the group dynamic has not changed, but I have. I don't see myself fitting in this office forever.

I woke up this morning after dreaming that I was a student teacher again and had just taken up a lesson mid-class. It was a mess, I was annoyed at how disorganized it was, but in my half-awake still dreaming haze I remedied the situation and began an excellent discussion based lesson. I became the storyteller-style history teacher I always wanted to be.

When I realized I was awake and no longer needed to strain my brain, and the classroom and text started fading away, I thought to myself "Damn, I'm going to be an excellent teacher. This might just be what I am meant for after all."

I have gone to school with many people who I would look at and think, "This person is not cut out to be a teacher. Who are they kidding? They'll never make it. They're going to get eaten alive." And I don't think of it as conceited when I think to myself that I would excel in such a career, because I have the feedback of many who have seen me in front of an audience who would agree that one day I will be a fantastic teacher. I have that natural energy and charm that makes students want to listen to what I say.

And the reason I didn't start teaching when I first finished school was that I felt I lacked the maturity and commitment I needed. Three years later, I am assured that I have developed both of those qualities to an extent that I would take to the profession very well.

So when I am working in my office, instead of thinking "I want to impress everyone and do a great job so they hire me back next year," I am thinking "I want to impress everyone and do a great job so they can give me glowing recommendations when I apply to the school boards."

I feel refreshed with this in my mind. And I kind of can't wait for next September already.

yesterday - tomorrow

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