Falling off the wagon
Sunday, Nov. 17, 2013 - 9:38 PM

Having mad anxiety for the last couple of days and I don't know why. Its a weird sort of anxiety, so weird in fact that it took me the entire weekend to realize that was the root of the problem. I can't put a name to it, I can't put a finger on it, and it isn't like the kind of anxiety I experience usually. Its strange, really.

At least know I can acknowledge that and try to move passed it, or with it, whichever comes easier.

Things at work are going well, but I keep getting hung up on stupid little shit that doesn't make any sense. Instead of actually enjoying my weekend I spent all weekend dreading Monday and Tuesday. As if that makes any sense. The thing is, there's nothing to dread about the upcoming week! I work in the office for a few days, then I go to Ottawa, then an adult ed. school on Thursday, then a day of continued training/team meeting on Friday. Pretty sweet work week actually. So don't ask me why I have been wound up about it all weekend.

Like I said its this weird new anxiety. Doesn't make any sense. It started on Thursday-Friday and continued to linger. I have nothing to be anxious about. Yet I am. Doesn't make any sense.

Everything else seems to be going back to normal. I feel healthy most days. I need to stop eating crap. I couldn't help it, once I started to feel better I fell off the wagon and "treated myself" a little too much, so naturally now I'm all blah. Hurt my leg in an unfortunate sexual accident, and then happened to tweak my neck/back during a different sexual encounter.. lol.. so I haven't been able to train on top of that (as if I had the energy anyway) so that doesn't help.

This week I am going to have to discipline myself and break myself of the bad habits I have accumulated in the recent weeks. Because I am starting to hate myself. Doing yoga today in a sports bra I was just disgusted. I am sure that 80-90% of my self loathing is completely in my head, but if I am not happy with myself then I am going to have to work to get to a point where I am. So here's to hoping for a week that I'll actually be able to accomplish.. well, something..

yesterday - tomorrow

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