Recouping Taking Forever
Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013 - 9:34 AM

Have started getting into the swing of things with the new job. This is my third week going into schools. I enjoy it. I love being stimulated intellectually. I love how when you see a kid raise their hand, you have no idea what they are going to say-- could be something stupid, a challenging question, or could be something life changing. You never know.

Adjusting to normal life hasn't been the easiest but it hasn't been extremely hard either. I am tired, all the time, but I have accepted that as my "new normal" and I take advantage and appreciate the times that I am not tired. I think the hardest part right now is the lifestyle change, not being able to do the things that people in their mid-20s like to do-- eat, drink, screw. I have no taste for the third, which is strange, possibly worrisome. I hate going to restaurants because I can't eat what I want to eat. I refrain from partying because my body doesn't want alcohol and hasn't been reacting positively to it.

So I stay home a lot when I get home from work. I cook, I clean, I get shit done. I haven't touched my easel or sketchbook in weeks, though. I force myself to go to the gym if my body is feeling up for it, but half of the reason is to socialize with the people that have become my second family over the years. My training is sub-par, which is discouraging, but I know I can't push it or the consequences could be debilitating.

It sucks that my most favourite things in the world, I can't do. I have either lost interest or ability to do them. Like I said, worrisome. I hope to get back to my normal self soon. I have a commission that literally needs 5 minutes of work before its finished, and another that I haven't even started. I currently have no outlet for my stress or emotions, with the exception of the gym which at least is getting better. This week I was able to run for longer than 5 minutes, which I haven't been able to do since... May or June..

I just keep reminding myself of how I felt 3-4 months ago, stuck at home being unable to eat, unable to move, where taking a shower was a dreaded torture. I will take a boring, uneventful, uninspired life any day over being that sick.

Still sucks though.

yesterday - tomorrow

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