The Pretty Boy Story
Wednesday, Dec. 08, 2010 - 11:12 AM

OK I've got to let this out. This is too crazy. Its too.. funny.

First of all, told the Stupid One to stay out of my life for good. Told him I'm tired of going around in circles, that I truly feel like we can never be just friends-- at some point I did but its been proven wrong time and time again--, told him I'm done with him. Asked him not to call me anymore and get this, he hung up. Mature. Very mature. Of all people I actually never thought he'd hang up on me, but I guess he had a hard time hearing what I had to say and that's his best defense mechanism.

Ok so that's done. How do I feel? Liberated. Like I can put this behind me and look forward. Haven't regretted it yet.

Back to the funny story.

So I met this guy..... That's how all of my stories start, come to think of it.

So I met this guy in September. I'm walking home from school and I pass his house and he and his roommate were like "HEY! Come talk to us" so we chatted for a bit, exchanged numbers to party later and that was all. Over the months we passed a few texts back and forth, a few Facebook messages, nothing really substantial. I didn't think anything of it, just that there was a house of guys down the street from me and maybe it would be fun to hang out sometime.

Then London, Ontario gets hammered by an epic snowstorm. We are currently going on 3 days of no school-- both the university and the high school that I teach at. My first reaction on Snow Day #1 was "LET'S DRINK!" and that was my mission. Pretty boy down the road randomly texts me in the morning asking if school is canceled, and I said I didn't know about UWO but if it is he should come drink. Later in the afternoon I get a text saying his classes are canceled and he's down to venture to the LCBO.

That starts out innocently enough. We brave the storm, get booze and go back to my place to make my new favourite drink-- Caribou. Red wine, whiskey (we used Crown), and maple syrup and warmed up for about a minute, its a wondrous drink perfect for a snowy day. We sit and chill, chat in the living room with my roommates, all is good. When I met him I didn't know he was that hot, he was wearing sunglasses. And I won't lie I did some Facebook creeping about a month back and it didn't do him justice either. I'm thinking about what I'm writing right now and I'm laughing already I sound ridiculous.

I've been reading "The Game" by Neil Strauss. I think its taken over my mind its terrible. Funny thing, Pretty Boy (that's his name now) wanders into my room and makes himself right at home and sees the book. We chat about it for a bit, I offer my opinion as to why its interesting to read something like that as I woman, and long story short he shows me his blog...

Here we go I just met the 20-year old university student equivalent of the pickup artists I've been reading about in "The Game." I don't feel like explaining the book, if you're curious just look it up. So this guy, I couldn't stop laughing about it for a while because... how can you take a guy like that seriously? His hobby is helping guys out with their game, helping them boost their confidence and whatnot in order to get girls interested in them. Its different from Neil Strauss' world because they're fake and go by scripted lines, whereas Pretty Boy's "school" if you will is just about showing off your personality and all that good shit. But STILL.

How do you take a guy like that seriously? Its like everything he says I question if its part of the game or if its sincere. Its not me being insecure, its me being smart, being inquisitive.

Not to say I'm going to blow him off or not give him a shot. Because in all reality he is interesting, and quite intriguing. I was interested before I learned about his little hobby so I'll try not to let that taint my opinion of him too much. TOO much.

Hahahah... Its just too funny. And that's my story.

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