So Much to Think About
Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2009 - 9:13 PM

Just saw the chiropractor, and things are looking up. There is only a small section of my back that is still causing me problems, and my cerebral spine is still a bit wacky but other than that its looking good! I feel so much better today, like the incredible pain I had this weekend vanished to leave me feeling rejuvenated. I'm feeling really optimistic that I will be back to normal soon, and thats so reassuring.

I'm trying to decide whether or not to renew my lease for next year. Do I suck it up and do the frat house thing, being the only girl living with 4 guys, for another year or do I seek a place on my own or with one other girl? I have a year left at school so it seems kind of like a waste to move, but I think that if I live somewhere else I'll be less stressed but who knows if I'll be happier? I keep wavering, and I need to make a decision soon.

I am also having to decide where I want to work this summer, as I've received several job offers that range between Toronto and New Jersey. With still a few more interviews to go. I don't even want to get into that now..

I am extremely tired, my throat is dry and sore, and I've been nauseaus for a good portion of the day. I hope I am just overtired from the lack of sleep last night and its not a cold brewing up. My cat has been sneezing a lot the past few days, and he's been overly hyper and nagging me for attention constantly. I'm kind of worried that he might be sick, and I'm hoping its just allergies or a sligh cold thats got him sneezing all the time. Hope so, he's 13 years old this June and I'm afraid that because of his age he's more susceptible to more serious problems. Any suggestions???

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