Single Behaviour
Sunday, Jan. 06, 2013 - 10:18 PM

I'm writing "An Ode To My Exes" a compilation of prose and poetry or whatever you would call it, dedicated to the significant men and experiences I've had over the years. I'm writing this in the vain hope that it will help me to bury some of my memories and feelings in a vault outside of the confines of my mind that I can revisit at will. Because I have so much in my mind, sometimes I feel overwhelmed by... well, memories really.. I begin to miss people that I have no business missing, the more I fall back into my 'single behaviour.'

I was thinking about that recently, how although I am often terribly lonely, I would have much trouble if I should ever have to compromise my single behaviour.

Things like going to the bathroom with the door open.
Taking candlelit bubble baths without fear of interruption.
Drinking from the carton.
Busting out a ridiculous tune whenever the fuck I feel like it...
..and singing it all the way to the shower.
Sitting around the house doing fuck all for a whole day.
Scrutinizing myself in the mirror constantly, scoping out beauty marks, flexing my muscles, trying to see if my stomach is getting flatter or if its just my imagination, etc etc..
Not having to brush my teeth until I feel like it.
Talking to my cat like he's a person.
Ignoring the phone and even the door if I want to.

I'm feeling very "Sex and the City" these days. Would have liked to write a way better entry for this topic but my brain has decided to shut off for the night, so we'll leave it at that

yesterday - tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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