Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011 - 11:50 PM

Well its been a long time. Life has changed so much. Let's see, I moved to Montreal, found a job that I pretty much love, but its a job, just a run of the mill low paying student job. Which means although I am happy with my work and my schedule, I am dirt poor.

So when the call came last week from a boarding school in the countryside, I didn't know what to think. Wow a chance at a part-time teaching job for the rest of the year, with possibility of return next year. This isn't just a job, its a career. Its an excellent school in a town I know like the back of my hand, the town I went to university in for four years. I have no solid numbers yet but for sure it will pay damn well, and the cost of living is a lot less.

I don't want to move, I like where I am. I've been waiting to move to the city forever, and finally here I am. So to step back a few steps and move back to some dead-end university town doesn't sound so appealing.. But the job, isn't it worth it? The experience is worth it, the pay is likely worth it.

Worse comes to worse, I turn my life upside down until June, when the school year ends and I choose to either move back to Lennox permanently or move back to Montreal and pursue whatever I feel like in the city.

I found a happy medium. Here is my plan: live the teacher life during the week, and come back to the city on the weekends. Keep my weekend hours at my job and make arrangements to stay for free nearby-- the gym has dorms for visiting fighters, maybe I could pull some strings and get a room for when I come on the weekends. There would also be less rush to sublet my apartment if I were to be here on the weekends, and I could take some time moving my stuff out. So that is my plan.

IF I get the job. My interview is Friday. Part of me hopes I get the job because it would be a huge turning point in my life, but the other part of me is not so excited because right now I need stability. After several months of having some adjustment anxiety to the city, I have finally found that stability. It would be awful to have to start all over again, the next few months would be hard.

But worth it?

Its so funny how these things seem to happen so suddenly. The call was like a blindside hit, you have to react quickly and you have to be sure you make decisions you won't regret. What would I regret?

yesterday - tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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