Wednesday, Feb. 08, 2012 - 3:21 PM

Last night after I posted I was inspired. I used to write all the time, short stories and I even wrote short novels-- I was like 13-14 though so Im sure its nothing good enough to revisit or share at all. But lately I've been trying to increase my creative flow, and writing is one of the things I need to start doing again.

So here is my idea. I write about what I know, and add a bit of extra stuff, but mostly use characters and situations that have already seen. I take the most outlandish of what has happened in real life and I combine it to make it a scandalous story about....

...are you ready for this....?


Just think about it. Teachers are supposed to be models of perfect virtue and morals in society. Whereas they may play that role standing in front of a classroom, they can be quite surprisingly different behind closed doors. Some of them swear like sailors, get wasted on the weekends, and do god knows what else. I mean we are only human, right? My idea is to write a story in which these two images collide. The story will follow the private life of high school teachers, their relationships with each other, their wins and losses, tragedies and heartbreak. And what about a bit of scandal?

If this should actually happen, as I see it in my head, this could be amazing.

Last night it was 2am and I just couldn't sleep when all of this flooded into my mind so I picked up my phone and jotted it down in a memo so I wouldn't forget. The plot started to form right then and there, until my phone rang and it melted away.

I figured that if I am stuck working at this job, and have trouble finding my niche in the world and a real career opportunity, I should at least take advantage of the fact that I realistically have until 1-2pm every day to do fuck all. So instead of doing fuck all I am going to make an conscious effort to work on my projects: my paintings, my tattoos, and this novel idea.


yesterday - tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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