So You Really Do Like Me
Sunday, Mar. 15, 2009 - 11:52 PM

So here's the deal. I'm not a practicing Catholic but I do think it is a good idea to accept the challenge to give up something for 40 days of the year. I use it as an oppurtunity to fix bad habits. I've given up things such as sex, texting, picking at my nails, and this year something a bit more personal. I found this year I have two things to be worked on. The first, unneccessary use of my car. Its old and getting in bad shape, and the mile walk to school that I rarely do anymore would be good for me.

The second thing I gave up was contact with A Certain Person. I figured that blatantly ignoring him for a month and a half wouldn't be a good idea, I've tried that before it didn't turn out so well. Instead, I've given up initiating contact with him. To no longer rely on his presence via text to cure bouts of loneliness in the middle of the night and so forth. If he should contact me, I would talk to him but to remain distant and not let myself get too involved in the conversation. So far I've been doing pretty good.

And go figure, he chooses to admit to missing me during this time. Why else would he have been talking to me, on a consistant day to day basis, for the past two years if he didn't care for me? He said he is lonely and enjoys my company, even if I'm a couple hundred miles away. There aren't many people he lets in his inner circle and I guess I somehow got in there.


I don't really know how I should feel about that.

yesterday - tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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