A New Chapter
Monday, Aug. 25, 2008 - 10:45 PM

The summer is over. I start the new semester a week from Wednesday. I keep telling myself that this year will be different. Things I have changed, I have changed. I can confidently say that I have healed from the wounds inflicted upon me in the past year. My heart no longer aches. The sadness I had hanging over me is gone. People tell me "you look good" and I can actually agree with them and think to myself "I know". Finally, it is time to turn the page and start a new chapter.

I was on a bus today for a few hours coming back from my week of travels and I decided to write a list of goals for Fall 2008. Some are practical, others are more for personal improvement. Here we go..

  • bring up my cumulative average.. aim for 90%
  • get in better shape, cardio-wise, do more running
  • walk to school as often as possible
  • cook good healthy meals more often.. lay off the Kraft Dinner and freezer pizza diet
  • be more social, do fun stuff with friends more often
  • apply to go on exchange, and prepare for it
  • think about getting an easy part time job for a little extra cash
  • not take on too many tasks or responsibilities than I can handle (ahem, cheerleading)
  • hang out with girls more often.. don't OD on testosterone with boys always around
  • big dreams, little worries
  • get into a good daily routine, no sleeping into the afternoon for lack of morning classes
  • hang out with my siblings more often
  • continue to practice my artistic skills on my own, considering I have no studio courses this semester
  • try not to be so tempermental, and be nicer to boys (even if they are stupid)
  • get rid of things I don't need -- declutter life
  • find a healthier alternative to coffee to keep me alive throughout the day
  • stay away from drama/stupid boys, and find good company worth keeping around
  • try to not be so anal retentive all the time (especially when it comes to the housekeeping/roommates issue)
  • go on more adventures
  • host social gatherings at home more often
  • find a special place as a retreat instead of escaping to the isolation of my bedroom all the time
  • do nice things for my family
  • write anxieties, stresses, and worries down instead of letting them brew (thank you diaryland)
  • do things to make other people happy
  • learn to communicate better
  • pay more attention to birthdays

yesterday - tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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