Sunday, Dec. 14, 2008 - 12:10 AM

I know how it is to feel alone in the world. To emotionally isolate yourself from the ones around you because they just don't get it. To only allow a select few in beyond these walls. It is a hard life that you bring upon yourself because you are in such an estranged state of mind and don't know how to cope with it. The loneliness becomes a painful gaping hole.

Even on the other side of the world he did what he could to see me through really hard times. When I couldn't sleep at night, aching and raining on the inside, he was there, someone to talk to, to distract me from the pain I felt from dealing with the obstacles in my life.

He finds himself in the same place and reaches out to me. I never expected he would turn to me of all people. How could I deny him now? I may still be upset, but I should be there for him as he walks down a road that I know all too well. He is not looking for someone to distract him from boredom, he is looking for a true friend. I at least owe him that.

yesterday - tomorrow

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